Stormwater runoff can overwhelm city sewers and damage nearby streams and rivers. You can use this data layer to find a local area where stormwater can infiltrate and replenish groundwater basins or infiltration tanks instead of being redirected to storm drains. By handling stormwater at its source, costly repairs to correct erosion or control flooding can be avoided, potentially saving a city millions of dollars.
When you add the Infiltration data layer to the map, you will see the following sublayers:
- Infiltration Capacity
- Groundwater Basins
1. Infiltration Capacity
These sublayers provide the infiltration capacity of soils for areas within the groundwater basins described below. This data is derived from the Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO).
Infiltration capacity is organized based on hydrologic soil groups A-D. You can find more information on these methods in the HEC-RAS 2D Manual.
2. Groundwater Basins
The sublayer outlines the groundwater basins. This data is derived from the L.A. County Safe Clean Water Program.
Related Data Layers
We recommend considering these related data layers to improve your area.