Living Infrastructure Field Kit

Community Spaces

The Community Spaces data layer displays where community spaces are located throughout L.A. County.

Community spaces are valuable for bringing residents together, creating a shared identity, and promoting social resilience through events, education, and activities. Certain community spaces are designated as emergency locations during climate events, such as cooling stations during heatwaves. You can use this data layer to identify locations with fewer community spaces, indicating where more investment is needed.

When you add the Community Spaces layer to the map, you will see the following sublayer:

  1. Colleges and Universities
  1. Community Organizations
  1. Cooling Centers
  1. Farmers Markets
  1. Places of Worship
  1. Private and Charter Schools
  1. Public Elementary Schools
  1. Public High Schools
  1. Public Middle Schools
  1. Rec Centers

1. Colleges and Universities


This data is derived from L.A. County.

2. Community Organizations


This data is derived from L.A. County.

3. Cooling Centers


This data is derived from L.A. County.

4. Farmers Markets


This data is derived from L.A. County.

5. Places of Worship


This data is derived from L.A. County.

6. Private and Charter Schools


This data is derived from L.A. County.

7. Public Elementary Schools


This data is derived from L.A. County.

8. Public High Schools


This data is derived from L.A. County.

9. Public Middle Schools


This data is derived from L.A. County.

10. Rec Centers


This data is derived from L.A. County.


Related Data Layers

We recommend considering these related data layers when exploring your area.

  1. Neighborhoods
  1. Municipalities
  1. Supervisorial Districts
  1. Transit Stops
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