Living Infrastructure Field Kit

Transit Stops

The Transit Stops data layer helps you understand the current locations of transit stops, who has access to them, and where public transportation might be needed.

Public transportation is a crucial resource for many individuals, as it enables greater mobility and accessibility. However, not all areas of a city may have easy access to public transportation, which can be a barrier for people who rely on it to get to work, school, or other important places.

This data layer can inform decisions about where to add new transit stops, plan around existing mobility routes, or implement other remedies to improve access.


When you add the Transit stops data layer to the map, you will see the following sublayers:

  1. Bus Stops
  1. Rail Stops

1. Bus Stops


The Bus Stops sublayer displays the location of bus stops. This data is derived from L.A. Metro.

2. Rail Stops


The Rail Stops sublayer display the location of rail stops. This data is derived from L.A. Metro.


Related Data Layers

We recommend considering these related data layers when exploring your area.

  1. Community Spaces
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