Living Infrastructure Field Kit


The Fire data layers displays wildfire risk across L.A. County.

In addition to uncontrolled land development, climate change is causing more frequent and intense droughts, which increase the risk of wildfires. An increase in wildfires releases pollutants into the air, which decreases air quality and harms human and other species' health.

You can use this data layer to identify high-risk areas and invest in projects in those communities to help them prepare better for wildfires. Additionally, you can allocate resources and funding more effectively for land management and development projects.

When you add the Fire layer to the map, you will see the following sublayer:

  1. Fire Risk

1. Fire Risk


This layer displays Fire Hazard Severity Zones according to the below severity levels. This data is derived from CAL FIRE.

  • Very High
  • High
  • Moderate

Related Data Layers

We recommend considering these related data layers when exploring your area.

  1. Historic Habitats
  1. Land Cover
  1. Trees
  1. Air Pollution
  1. Asthma
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