Living Infrastructure Field Kit

Referencing the Guidebook

The guidebook provides just-in-time access to remedy and effect articles, enabling teams to seamlessly find helpful information without leaving the tool. Article contents include general information, estimated remedy costs/benefits, tips & resources, remedy pairing recommendations, and the ability to conveniently add remedies to a sketch.

Viewing Remedy Articles

To open a remedy article:

  1. Hover over a remedy sticker in the lower-left tray, or click on a remedy sitcker on the map
  1. Click the Learn More button if navigating from the tray, or Learn button if navigating from the map
  1. Navigate among available tabs:
    1. Effects & Costs: An overview of associated effects and costs for the remedy
    2. Pairings: Recommended remedies that generate synergies with this remedy
    3. Tips & Resources: Design guidance and links to external resources
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Adding Remedies from an Article

To add a remedy from the article:

  1. Click the + Add to Sketch button, or click and drag the remedy sticker onto the map
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To add recommended remedy pairings:

  1. Select the Pairings tab
  1. Click the + button that is next to the pairing you wish to add
  1. Close the article to view and arrange the added remedies in your sketch
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Viewing Effect Articles

To open effect articles:

  1. Expand the sketch profile panel in the upper left corner
  1. Click the book icon next to the effect you want to select
  1. Navigate among available tabs:
    1. Remedies: A list of remedies associated with this effect
    2. Tips & Resources: Design guidance and links to external resources
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