Living Infrastructure Field Kit

Creating Sketches

Sketches enable you and your community to create concepts for new living infrastructure projects. When you add remedies to the map, we'll forecast the potential effects and costs they might generate. Sketches are the first step in your project journey, and these forecasts are rough estimates. Taking your sketch through feasibility studies and detailed design will reveal more refined information.

Creating a Sketch

To create a sketch:

  1. Click the Sketches icon in the bottom left tray
  1. Navigate the map to the desired location for your sketch
  1. Click the + icon
  1. Click the map to add points around the perimeter of your site. You can restart at any time by clicking the + icon again.
  1. Complete your site by returning to the origin point of the shape. You can click on any dot and drag to move it, as well as delete it by pressing the Delete key on your keyboard.
  1. Click Save to confirm your site
  1. Your sketch will be colored on the map. To navigate back to your sketch, click on the site on the map or the corresponding colored bar in the Effects scorecard at the top left of the screen.
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Reviewing and Editing Your Sketch

When you click on your sketch, you will see the name of the sketch with an edit icon. Click this to enter the following details about your sketch:

  • Title
  • Creator
  • Budget (target cost)
  • Description

When you click on a sketch, a context menu will also appear with the following options:

  • Edit Site: Edit the site shape
  • Profile: View the sketch profile
  • Duplicate: Duplicate the sketch and all contents
  • Delete: Delete the sketch

If you have multiple overlapping sketches, the tool will provide a list of the sketches by name, which you can select to enter the sketch.

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Adding Remedies to Your Sketch

Remedies are the infrastructure elements you can use to design your site. To add remedies:

  1. Click into a sketch
  1. Click on a remedy pack icon in the bottom left tray
  1. Hover over each remedy sticker to view information about its footprint, effects, and cost. To view additional details, click the Help Center icon.
  1. Drag a remedy sticker onto the map to add it to your sketch
  1. The effects and points for your sketch will update
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Reviewing and Editing Remedies

When you click on a remedy sticker, you will see the name of the remedy and a Help Center icon. You can click this to view more details about the remedy.

Additionally, a context menu will appear with the following options:

  • Notes: Add a note about the remedy
  • Duplicate: Duplicate the remedy
  • Delete: Delete the remedy

To edit a remedy’s footprint:

  1. Zoom in close enough for the footprint to appear behind the sticker, or hide remedies in the Layers legend to show only footprints
  1. Click the footprint value or double-click the footprint shape
  1. If the footprint is editable, you can change the footprint to any shape or size. For remedies of a fixed size, you can only rotate the footprint.
  1. Click Save
  1. The effects and costs of the remedy will scale linearly with the footprint

In certain cases, the tool will warn you about how you have placed your remedies:

  • If the remedies added exceed the site's footprint
  • If you have placed remedy stickers outside of the site. Note that any remedies placed outside the site will not count towards your effects and costs and will not appear in your sketch export.
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