Living Infrastructure Field Kit


The Income data layer shows areas of poverty in L.A. County based on median household income.

Poverty can impact a community's health, education, safety, and economy. It creates a cycle of disadvantage that is hard to break because people living in poverty lack access to resources and opportunities.

You can use this data layer to determine the communities that are most in need of investment and continued attention. Median household income is used to determine whether certain census tracts are considered disadvantaged communities according to certain funding programs, such as the L.A. County Safe Clean Water Program.

When you add the Income data layer to the map, you will see the following sublayer:

  1. Median Income

1. Median Income

Census Tract Metric

This sublayer displays median household income within a census tract. The data is derived from L.A. County.


Related Data Layers

We recommend considering these related data layers when exploring your area.

  1. Neighborhoods
  1. Social Sensitivity
  1. CalEnviroScreen
  1. Community Spaces
  1. Population Density
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