Living Infrastructure Field Kit


The Heat data layer displays areas with high exposure to extreme heat.

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of extreme heat in Los Angeles County. These events cause more deaths per year than any other weather hazard. The concentration of impermeable and heat-reflective surfaces in cities creates "urban heat islands," which are significantly warmer than rural areas. In addition, there is an unequal distribution of shade and a low level of urban canopy in low-income communities.

Using the Heat data layer, you can identify locations for cooling remedies in high risk areas to protect against extreme heat events.

When you add the Heat data layer to the map, you will see the following sublayers:

  1. Land Surface Temperature

1. Land Surface Temperature


This sublayer displays a vectorized raster image of satellite-scanned land surface temperature for the most recent available cloudless heatwave (September 3, 2022). This data is derived from NASA ECOSTRESS.


Related Data Layers

We recommend considering these related data layers to improve your area.

  1. Income
  1. Social Sensitivity
  1. Trees
  1. Significant Ecological Areas
  1. Historic Habitats
  1. Vegetation and Pavement
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