The Bikeways data layer displays the locations of bikeways and bike share stations in L.A. County.
Bikeways benefit neighborhoods by providing a safe path for cyclists, improving health through physical activity, reducing accidents, and mitigating traffic congestion and air pollution. Bike share stations improve mobility accessibility in an area, as well. You can use this data layer to identify neighborhoods lacking bikeways or bike share stations, and prioritize implementing those remedies or related public transit.
When you add the Bikeways data layer to the map, you will see the following sublayers:
- Share Stations
- Bikeways
1. Share Stations
This sublayer displays points outlining the locations of different bike share stations. The data is derived from Metro.
2. Bikeways
This sublayer displays a line of the location of different types of bikeways. The data is derived from L.A. County.
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