The Air Pollution data layer shows where there are air pollution problems at levels that are hazardous to health in L.A. County.
Traffic and industrial sources, as well as rising temperatures, contribute to air pollution and worsen health outcomes in Los Angeles County. This layer can help identify areas where air quality remedies may be necessary to limit pollution. For instance, increasing the amount of air-filtering vegetation, such as buffer trees, can improve air quality. Plants can absorb and filter out pollutants from the air.
When you add the Air Pollution data layer to the map, you will see the following sublayer:
- Traffic Impacts
1. Traffic Impacts
Census Tract Metric
CalEnviroScreen displays the traffic impacts within 150 meters (about 500 feet) of a census tract. This is calculated by dividing vehicle-km/hour by the total road length. The data is derived from the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. Some census tracts may be left blank where there is a low population or the data is unreliable.
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