Living Infrastructure Field Kit

Cardiovascular Disease

The Asthma data layer shows the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in L.A. County.

Cardiovascular disease refers to conditions that involve blocked or narrowed blood vessels of the heart. A heart attack is the most common result of cardiovascular disease. Many people survive and return to normal life after a heart attack, but quality of life may be reduced. There are many risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease including diet, lack of exercise, smoking and exposure to air pollution.

Exposure to outdoor air pollution following a heart attack has been shown to increase the risk of death. In addition to people with a past heart attack, the effects of air pollution may also be greater in the elderly and people with other preexisting health conditions.

When you add the Asthma data layer to the map, you will see the following sublayer:

  1. Cardiovascular Disease

1. Cardiovascular Disease

Census Tract Metric

This sublayer displays the census tract percentile corresponding to the percentage of population with cardiovascular disease . The data is derived from the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. Some census tracts may be left blank where there is a low population or the data is unreliable.


Related Data Layers

We recommend considering these related data layers when exploring your area.

  1. Parks
  1. Air Pollution
  1. CalEnviroScreen
  1. Social Sensitivity
  1. Fire
  1. Trees
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